Academic Work

asu-logoChoosing to jump into the working world back in 1978 instead of continuing with college was part of my inner spirit as an explorer. Yet, as the world changed, and as my career in diving, publishing, and public speaking evolved there were important pieces of my education that were missing. At age 55 I returned to Arizona State University to earn a degree in communications. At first time on campus was being like Rodney Dangerfield, but soon it turned into a rewarding exchange with both students and professors. I became the “old guy on campus” pushing not only my own achievements but those of others.

Today, the university environment is much more than football games and frat parties. It is a competitive environment where minds are stretched and workloads are huge. Adding 30-40 hours a week of school work to an already busy life is a testament to the non-traditional student who returns seeking to be better than they already are.

This page highlights some of the academic work. The portfolio is segmented by subject area. Documents are sorted in chronological order from earliest to most recent work and are linked for viewing.


These works utilize the principals, theories, and techniques within the areas of communications. Included are case studies, political examinations, group communication projects, strategic memos, proposals, feasibility studies and some fun things.

One Does Want a Hint of Color  – COM 312 Gender Communications (2013)
An analysis of Mike Nichols’ film The Birdcage looks at how art imitates life and how the principals in the creative process create entertainment out of social injustice.

Tiger Woods Foundation Communication Memo – COM 453 Communication Training & Development (2014)
An analysis of and recommendation for addressing the issues surrounding the Tiger Woods Foundation as a result of the founder’s 2009 sex scandal.

When Values and Behavior Collide COM 453 Communication Training & Development (2014)
A case study presentation on fundraising challenges of the Tiger Woods Foundation as a result of the founder’s 2009 sex scandal.

Arizona SB 1062 Case Study COM 453 Communication Training & Development (2014)
Examination of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Bill that passed in the Senate but was vetoed by the Governor and the issues surrounding is.

 Arizona SB 1062 Case Study COM 453 Communication Training & Development (2014)
Case Study Presentation of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Bill that passed in the Senate but was vetoed by the Governor and the issues surrounding is.

Peeling the Layers of Social Penetration Theory – COM 207 Communication Inquiry (2014)
An examination (literature review) of Altman and Taylor’s theory of social penetration and how  technology affects how relationships develop within interpersonal communication.

The Rhetoric of Display: Analyzing Film – COM 309 Rhetoric (2014)
A presentation of the application of Prelli’s rhetoric of display to film, and how those films become deliberate strategies of invention.

A Rhetorical Film Analysis: 12 Years a Slave – COM 309 Rhetoric (2014)
A critical view director Steve McQueen’s film 12 Years a Slave. Rhetorical concepts and the application of rhetoric of display succinctly illustrate how the hypocrisy and the brutality of slavery was the underlying cancer of America in the 19th century.

Havasu Homework Helpers: Feasibility Report – COM 494 Group Leadership Communication (2015)  A comprehensive feasibility study examining public education and the development of an after school tutoring organization.  Group Project (Silverstein, Hudson, Corona, & Salerno)

Smoketree Elementary School Workshop – COM 495 Group Leadership Communication (2015)
Development of a public speaking workshop for Smoketree Elementary students participating in the Future Cities science fair competition.  Group Project (Silverstein, Hudson, & Slater)

Choose Beautiful – COM 494 Communication Networks and Social Media  (2015)
Critical analysis of Dove advertising campaign that utilized social medial to for viral marketing.

Analysis of Negotiation – Erin Brockovitch – COM 312 Conflict and Negotiation  (2015)
Presentation illustrating negotiation techniques that include: research, agenda, first offers, denial, hardball approach, intimidation, reservation position, and BATNA.

1,000 Cigars – COM 312 Conflict and Negotiation (2015)
A case study of reestablishment of relations with Cuba

Cigar Anyone?  — COM 494 Communication Networks and Social Media  (2015)
An analysis and application of Structural-Strain Theory to the UMVCF use of social media to protest against the 50-year old terrorist regime, FARC, in Columbia.

Time for Peace — COM 312 Conflict and Negotiation (2015)
An analysis of the integrative process of conflict negotiation using third party overseers to seek peace between the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) and Colombia

Field Observation – COM 308 Advanced Research Methods (2016)
Filed observation of customers in a local coffee shop.

A Critique of Celebrity Advocacy – COM 308 Advanced Research Methods (2016)
An analysis of Lilie Chouliaraki’s article The Theatricality of Humanitarianism: A Critique of Celebrity Advocacy

Annotated Bibliography – Tourism Safety and Perceptions  – COM 308 Advanced Research Methods (2016)
A compilation of pertinent literature available from academic, government, and commercial sources that address tourism safety and perceptions from various viewpoints.

Literature Review – Tourism Safety and Perceptions COM 308 / Advanced Research Methods – COM 499 Capstone (2016)
A review of literature available from academic, government, and commercial sources that address tourism safety and perceptions from various viewpoints. This research is the basis for the development of the capstone project

Havasu Safety Prospectus COM 308 / Advanced Research Methods – COM 499 Capstone (2016)
This prospectus identifies the research and development path to evaluate the current literature and evaluate safety information and services available in Lake Havasu City. This process leads to the development of a safety information website. will provide people access to information in a friendly manner and will include information that will enhance safety and assist people better in the event of an emergency or another challenge.

Havasu Safety Project Report  COM 499 Capstone (2016)
This report discusses the research, development and creation of the website project. provides people access to credible and reliable safety information while visiting Lake Havasu City. COM 499 Capstone (2015-2016)
A multi-platform website that provides safety related information to assist tourists and residents. This comprehensive website features information for emergency services, safety tips, and includes resources for services to assist in non-emergencies. is accessible on all mobile, table, and desktop platforms.


Ethics, Philosophy, Religion

This body of work applies concepts of ethics and philosophical exploration to topics of environment, religion, sexual discrimination, and business applications.

How I Failed at Impersonating Milton Berle  – PHI 321  Business Ethics (2013)
A discussion of a federal civil rights wrongful termination and sex discrimination case filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of a married, transgender (cross-dresser) man who adhered to company work-clothes rules during working hours. The Case of Peter Oiler v. Winn-Dixie Stores.

Planning Underwater Cleanups – PHI 321 Business Ethics (2013)
Report on a community service project that illustrates how to plan, organize, and execute a successful underwater clean up. The team, as part of this project conducted a small-area underwater clean up to illustrate the impact these types of events can have.

Planning Underwater Cleanups – PHI 321 Business Ethics (2013)
Presentation and short video on a community service project that illustrates how to plan, organize, and execute a successful underwater clean up. The team, as part of this project conducted a small-area underwater clean up to illustrate the impact these types of events can have.

Consequences of Moral Silence, Deafness and Blindness – PHI 321 Business Ethics (2013)
A group presentation reflecting up on Frederick Bird’s monograph The Muted Conscience.  The presentation addresses moral reasoning, silence, deafness, and blindness and evaluates case studies on employment staffing, the 1972 massacre at the Munich Olympics, a corporate psychopath, sexual harassment training and intimate partner violence. (Silverstein J., Taylor J, Smith J, & Fallforf W.)

In Search of the Big Mussel – PHI 407 Environmental Philosophy (2014)
Community Service project in coordination with AZ Department of Fish and Game.

Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge — PHI 407 Environmental Philosophy (2014)
A discussion and examination of how environmental activist and anti-globalization author, Vandana Shiva exposes modern day corporate piracy. A primer to understanding issues of rights of communities and ecosystems, genetic engineering, trade policies, and intellectual property rights.

 Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge — PHI 407 Environmental Philosophy (2014)
A presentation and discussion of environmental activist and anti-globalization author, Vandana Shiva as she exposes modern day corporate piracy. A primer to understanding issues of rights of communities and ecosystems, genetic engineering, trade policies, and intellectual property rights.

EcofeminismPHI 407 Environmental Philosophy (2014)
A group project presentation on ecofeminism, influential women, and current movements for the environment. (Silverstein J., Bailey S., Morgan B., & Ford R.)

The View From Below: A Creative JourneyPHI 407 Environmental Philosophy (2014)
Introspective personal analysis that spans fifty years of my understanding of the underwater world with a keen appreciation of our fragile environment.

Ezra Stiles – A Confluence of Congregationalism and Judaism – REL 331 Religion in America (2014)
Ezra Stiles was appointed President of Yale University in 1778, a Congregationalist at birth struggled with the concepts of Deism and Judaism. Stiles spent a lifetime reaching a station where he could freely say what he believed in his heart.

Jews In America – A Comprehensive View – REL 331 Religion in America (2014)
This is a special 75 minute lecture created at the request from the professor that is now incorporated to the course curriculum.

Antebellum and After – Examining Religion in America 1850-1900 – REL 321 (2014)
A group project lecture on how American people adapted to the influx of immigration and incorporation of other religions from the Civil War to the turn of the 20th Century (Silverstein, Barrett, & Roberts)

Religion in a Digital Culture – REL 321 Religion in America (2014)
A group project lecture examining effects the internet has on people’s access to religion-based websites and information. (Silverstein, Barrett, & Roberts)

English – Film – Literature

The Book of Eli – Film Analysis – ENG 334 – Film & Literature of the Southwest (2013)
An analysis of the Hughes Brothers film The Book of Eli. By using elements of landscape, color and drought The Book of Eli represents the Southwest’s raw and jagged terrain in a post-apocalyptic time.

Man on Fire – Film Analysis – ENG 334 – Film and Literature of the Southwest (2013)
A discussion of Tony Scott’s film Man On Fire and how vigilante justice is exposed though the use of color, camera angle and editing.  Auto-run presentation with voice-over.

Seduced by Jenny – Advertisement Analysis – ENG 102 (2013)
An analysis of the ad campaign for Lorillard’s blu eCig illustrates how sexuality used in the glory days of cigarette advertising is still a very effective way of selling cigarettes.

Urban Neurotics at High Frequency – PUP 200 Cities In Cinema (2015)
Essay exploring the question of whether the urban environment can affect relationships or whether it is simply an artistic echo of the people who live in big cities.

Life Moves On – PUP 200 Cities In Cinema (2015)
Essay utilizing John Sayles 2002 film Sunshine State to illustrate the challenges an established community faces when new development conflicts with an established ideology.

Life by the Bagful – PUP 200 Cities In Cinema (2015)
Indie film Amreeka exploits the urban, political, social, and financial check-points one must pass through to become an accepted and productive citizen in a new country.


Watershed Management Plan for Lake Havasu City – GLG – Water Planet (2014)
A group project creation of a Watershed Management plan that examines the concerns of local business, the environment, government agencies, tribal rights, and the community

Deadly Gas on the Lake – Carbon Monoxide – BIO (2014)
Blog article for ASU Science website discuss what carbon monoxide is, how it affects humans, a review of CO incidents on lakes, first aid, and methods of prevention.  (Silverstein, J & Shackelford, J)

“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man’s training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.”
—Thomas Henry Huxley


All works are copyright: Joel Silvertstein and may be viewed for educational purposes.